Your Skin

Call Julie for a consultation 0408 007 988

Variable Pulse Light

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How VPL works on unwanted hair

During the treatment controlled pulses of filtered light are absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle. With the transfer of the optimum heat energy into the follicle, the hair becomes detached from the follicle and soon after falls out. The follicle is then unable to regenerate and produce a new hair.

Treatments are dependent on a number of factors including medical history, skin and hair type and colour, compliance with pre/post treatment instructions and individual response to treatment.

Our VPL system has twice the energy capabilities of many machines on the market. Each treatment is individualised according to skin colour, hair colour and hair thickness with an optimum level of energy output to achieve results. This is unlike many other IPL systems and Julie combines this with years of experience to achieving very safe and effective results for her clients.

How often are treatments performed?

Timeframe in between treatments: Facial Hair (4 weeks) and Body Hair (6 weeks). Hair removal treatments usually vary from 6-8 treatments depending on your individual characteristics and the cause of hair growth with 85-95% reduction in hair growth. Residual hair growth is usually finer, softer and lighter in colour and regrowth is at a much slower rate. There is no treatment available that will give 100% clearance of hair and throughout our lives it is not unusual for new hair follicles to produce another hair on occasions.

Call Julie today to book a consultation.

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